Telegram has announced that it is bringing major changes to the quality of voice and video calls on Android. The platform, which serves as a competitor to WhatsApp, also offers security features like end-to-end encryption and two-step authentication. Moreover, the app also has ‘bots' that offer additional functionality for various tasks. Like WhatsApp, it also offers voice and video calling functionality, and it is here that users may benefit from the latest Telegram update. Also, the users who are going to benefit the most are those with older smartphones as these changes will work very well on them too. Telegram revealed, "The new interface requires fewer resources than before, which means it saves battery life and works better on older devices." The update will also have a positive impact on battery life and will not cause quick draining of charge. Check out what's coming in this latest Telegram update.
In a blog post, Telegram announced that it is rolling out major updates for its users. As part of the latest Telegram version 10.5.0, the voice and video calling UI has been revamped. Users will now see new animations and beautiful backgrounds that change dynamically based on the call's status - be it ringing, active, or ended. Telegram says this new UI uses fewer resources than before, potentially having a positive impact on the smartphone's battery life. It can also increase compatibility with older devices.
Moreover, Telegram for Android is getting a new delete animation, one which was earlier rolled out on the iOS version of the app. The option called the “Thanos Snap”, provides a vaporization effect when Telegram messages are deleted.
“We're closing this year with the largest update to the Bot Platform in Telegram's