While the Clone Wars cartoon is widely regarded as one of the best Star Wars series ever made, Rebels’ reception was a bit more divided. The show started aimed squarely at younger children compared to its spiritual predecessor, with more cartoony violence and animation style. But, once you get about halfway into the first season, the characters and stories start to mature through its, sometimes weird, arc. Overall, there’s some good Star Wars content with characters who deserve more stories told about them.
Today we’re looking at two expansions for Star Wars: Shatterpoint that contain the main characters of Phoenix Squadron at the start of Season 2. These are “Make the Impossible Possible” and “Stronger than Fear”. As a disclaimer, I am employed by the Walt Disney Company, which owns Lucasfilm, in a role unrelated to gaming. But I grew up a Star Wars fan who struggled with the prequel movies until the Clone Wars cartoon made me appreciate those films more and I am a fan of the Rebels show and the characters.
Because I can’t write enough words about terrain on its own, I’ll also be looking at the Higher Ground terrain pack. I don’t really have any disclaimers about terrain, but I’d say I’m more pro-terrain than anti-terrain.
Make the Impossible Possible contains Hera Syndulla as the primary unit, Sabine Wren as the Secondary, and Hera’s astromech droid C1-1P called “Chopper” as a Support Unit. Stronger than Fear contains Kanan Jarrus as primary, Ezra Bridger as secondary, and Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios as a support unit.
Hera has several healing abilities during defense rolls and on one of her combat trees, which is also a very flexible tree with multiple paths allowing for a lot of customization of effects with enough successes. Hera also has abilities to move units, provide cover, or remove damage and conditions.
Sabine also has a flexible combat tree that can do a lot of damage, apply conditions, or grant movement. Meanwhile, Chopper’s stance card is called “Droid
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