One of the earliest decisions players will make in is whether to help Zhorik deliver supplies to a group of his friends. Almost immediately after completing the tutorial, players will encounter a friendly NPC named Zhorik — although he appears to be hiding something. He asks you first to help out some friends of his at a nearby post office, which is under siege, and then directs you onward to his friend Gloomy, whom he hasn't heard from in a little while. He's starting to get worried.
At this point, the player has no idea who Zhorik and Gloomy are, and they've just discovered the dangers of trusting their fellow Stalkers, a lesson they've learned the hard way. They may be reluctant to agree to Zhorik's offer, or take his word at face value. Zhorik's not promising much, either, just whatever loot they can find along the way. He's also trusting them with a fair bit of useful gear — Medkits, ammo, et cetera — that they might be better off keeping. In case the decision fatigue is eating away at them, here's how the "" side quest works.
If the player does agree to help Zhorik, they'll need to head a short distance down the road to the post office first. It's hard to miss, and is right along the way to their next main objective. The sound of gunfire will guide them either way, as the post office is under siege by a rival Stalker group. The player will get their first real taste of action here, having to fend off four heavily armed enemies before they can get inside.
There are few places to hide here, so they're likely to notice the player no matter what. Make use of the cover available or attempt to draw the enemies out. As long as they're quick enough, though, they'll get into the post office while everyone's still alive, and drop off Zhorik's goodies. The people inside will be grateful, and Zhorik will urge the player on to find Gloomy in a nearby warehouse. Once again, the location is easily found, but this time, it's quiet — too quiet.
It's possible to revive some