One player discovered an unexpected animal on their journey recently, noticing a wild hedgehog running through the grass while venturing through the Zone. With over a decade's worth of anticipation and 17 years since the original, small details like these in the new game still take players by surprise. As the world feels more alive than ever, it's no surprise this gem quickly sold over 1 million copies within just 2 days of its launch.
Coming to Reddit to share their excitement, the user Guy2361 exclaims "" with the sweetest video attached. Showing off the small animal running through the grasslands and attempting to escape the player, the video encapsulates the joy of making a discovery, regardless of how the animals impact gameplay. With that in mind, it's clear that little details like these really do matter, making the world feel a bit more alive.
After making this sweet discovery of a hedgehog within The Zone, players flocked to Reddit to share other easily missable creatures found throughout the game. With the user Sudden-Individual698 beginning a comprehensive list, many were thrilled to realize they could potentially come across fish, water striders, frogs, ducks, bats and more. While you can't really interact with these creatures, they do add a sense of realism to the game when stumbling across them, which really brings the game to life.
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Many of the other commenters joined in on appreciating the animals that can be found too, with one person admitting, Others joked about the hedgehog's quick speed, comparing it with Sonic the Hedgehog as a silly joke. Making the world feel that bit more immersive,it's incredible how has built such an incredible open experience to behold, with many other little tidbits and Easter eggs scattered throughout it too.
There's a lot more to than just its main storyline too, with a vast open