The futuristic worlds of DC Comics and Marvel Comics collide as Batman Beyond and Spider-Man 2099 team up in stunning new fan art showcasing each hero. On his Twitter account, artist Colin Craker shared his take on the potentially epic crossover featuring the future generation of classic heroes, as Spider-Man 2099 and Batman Beyond join forces on a mission, with both characters striking a pose in the neon-tinged rain.
Batman Beyond is among the most popular Batman-related spinoffs, as the original animated series made Terry McGinnis a household name. Set nearly 40 years after the events of DC's Batman: The Animated Series, McGinnis suits up as the future Batman in Neo Gotham under the tutelage of an aging Bruce Wayne. Meanwhile, in a similarly futuristic reimagining of Spider-Man (debuting before Batman Beyond in 1992), Miguel O'Hara becomes the web-slinger in the far future of 2099. The hero would take to the streets of Neuva York as part of Marvel's 2099 initiative, which introduced a slew of new future heroes. Both Terry and Miguel's stories are still told in comics today, while Spider-Man 2099 will also appear in the upcomingSpider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse animated film.
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On his <a href=«» https: target="_blank" rel=«noopener noreferrer»>Twitter account, writer and artist Colin Craker
(The Agency Case Files: Declassified) shared his take on a potential Spider-Man 2099 and Batman Beyond crossover. In the epic fan art, Batman Beyond and Spider-Man 2099 sit atop a rainy rooftop, with the bright red of their costumes standing out against the darker parts. The