Batman Begins writer David Goyer has shared his thoughts on The Batman, as well as Robert Pattinson's portrayal of the Dark Knight. Directed by Cloverfield's Matt Reeves, The Batman released in March 2022. The movie, which was reworked to remove all connections to the DCEU after Ben Affleck exited the original project, introduces Twilight alum Pattinson as a new version of the Caped Crusader, focusing on his early crime-fighting career in Gotham City. Besides Pattinson, The Batman also features Zoë Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, Andy Serkis, and Colin Farrell. Reeves' movie has been praised for its detective-focussed story, gritty cinematography, and compelling performances. As a result, Warner Bros. green-lit The Batman 2, with both Pattinson and Reeves returning.
As a different take on the DC universe, Reeves' The Batman pulled heavily from comics like Year One, The Long Halloween, and Ego. Reeves referred to those story arcs to develop a movie that more significantly highlights the «World's Greatest Detective» Bruce Wayne/Batman arc, while at the same time exploring the grief, trauma, and horror the Gotham City vigilante experienced early on in his career. In a diversion from Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, The Batman also deals with themes of class conflict, inequality, and police brutality, with an explicit exploration of Bruce Wayne's morality and material wealth as opposed to his nemesis, Dano's Riddler.
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Now, filmmaker and novelist David S. Goyer, who wrote the screenplay for Nolan's Batman Begins, has weighed in on Reeves' new take on the Dark Knight, as well as Pattinson's portrayal of the character. In an interview with