After five acclaimed seasons, Rick and Morty has spawned a digital spinoff about The Vindicators, known as Vindicators 2. Set before the season 3 episode, the short series expands the story of the titular superhero team and shows the beginning of their interpersonal conflicts that would lead to their downfall.
The Vindicators features the return of its all-star cast with Lance Reddick as Alan Rails, Gillian Jacobs as Supernova, Christian Slater as Vance Maximus, Maurice LaMarche as Crocubot and Tom Kenny as Million Ants.
Related: The Vindicators: Everything We Know About The Rick & Morty Spinoff
Ahead of the show's premiere at San Diego Comic-Con, Screen Rant spoke exclusively with creator Sarah Carbiener to discuss Vindicators 2, developing the first Rick and Morty spinoff, fleshing out its central characters, the toxic backlash towards her season 3 tenure and more.
Screen Rant: In case it's not clear by my surroundings, I'm excited to talk about this.
Sarah Carbiener: I have a plumbus just off screen over here. [Chuckles]
Even five years later, I still think you and Jessica Gao set the bar very high for Rick and Morty, and Vindicators 2 is a great example. How did the idea to spin off The Vindicators into their own series come about?
Sarah Carbiener: That's a huge compliment. [Chuckles] We were having a conversation with Adult Swim and how part of the joke of that episode is this implied backstory and this implied huge other world where Guardians of the Galaxy-esque things are happening and then we're coming in on the tail end and it all dissolving because of Rick. But it doesn't just fall apart because of Rick, it falls apart because of all the ways in which they're broken.
It just seemed really, really fun to get to