There are many benefits to a long-running franchise, even though so many find themselves going down in flames. With five entries out in the world, a franchise like Predator has a lot of interesting history that informs every new entry. It's fascinating to see the same being change over the years, even when they're going backward.
Prey depicts the first contact between mankind and the iconic Yautja species of skilled big-game hunters. Many have done battle with the Predator over the years, with varying results, but the first one to make landfall on Earth seems to do so with a unique set of equipment.
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The average Yautja hunter is decked out in a partial suit of metallic armor. They typically do not cover the entirety of their massive frame. The one that attacked Arnold Schwarzenegger in the first film wore very little, but later hunters came with a bit more gear. Their distinctive masks come in a variety of looks, but they all come in the same shade of blue-black metal. Their gear is typically specialized for their role, leading to completely different looks for the many unique subclasses in Predators. Many Predators outfit their armor with aesthetic details, like fishnets, leather belts, or trophies from previous kills. A Yautja never goes anywhere without cloaking technology, so many won't see its unique look.
Beyond the gear, the Yautja is heavily outfitted with weaponry. Their most distinct tool is their serrated twin arm blades that jut out from the creature's forearm. The typical Predator is also armed with the Combistick, a dual-edged telescoping spear. At range, the Yautja features a shoulder-mounted Plasmacaster and a Smart Disc that seeks its target. To catch live prey,