A universe in which good and bad luck are manufactured and randomly distributed among humans lies at the core of Apple TV+ and Skydance Animation's Luck. With director Peggy Holmes at the helm, the film explores themes of family and friendship throughout its story of Sam Greenfield (Eva Noblezada), the unluckiest girl in the world who meets a black cat named Bob, who she follows to the Land of Luck. The unlikely pair embark on a pursuit of a lucky penny and travel through the Lands of Good and Bad luck, meeting characters such as the Captain of the Land of Good Luck's leprechauns (Whoopi Goldberg), Babe the Dragon (Jane Fonda), and Jeff the Unicorn (Flula Borg) along the way.
Prior to directing Luck, Holmes previously served as a choreographer for films such as Encino Man, Heartbreakers, and Hocus Pocus — in which she was also a dancer among the film's cast. Holmes directed Disney's The Pirate Fairy, The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning, and co-directed Secret of the Wings.
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Holmes spoke with Screen Rant about bringing Luck's array of locations and characters to life.
Screen Rant: What was it like getting to immerse yourself in this story?
Peggy Holmes: Oh my gosh, it's like a dream come true. One of the things I thought would be so cool about this story is to have this deep, emotional core, which is Same is someone alone in the world who ultimately gets her forever family. Family is so important to me. I come from a really big family. They're the most important thing to me, so I was just honored to be able to tell a story like that. I thought it would be super, super great. The other part is like, creating a fantasy world that no one's seen
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