Using the Solar Eclipse as a backdrop, Pokemon GO teases the debut arrival of the highly anticipated Legendary psychic creature known as Necrozma. Ultra Beasts, special extradimensional creatures, first appeared inside of the Pokemon Sun and Moon games, giving players new and incredibly powerful creatures to collect. These Ultra Beasts made their debut in Pokemon GO in 2022 during the Go Fest celebrations that summer, including Nihilego.
Over time, Niantic has continued to add more to the roster, such as Guzzlord arriving with the Greedy Gluttons event or just recently with the arrival of Poipole in Pokemon GO. However, not all of the powerful Pokemon from the seventh generation have arrived just yet, with many fans wondering when Niantic is going to continue to expand the roster. Aligned with the real life Solar Eclipse event, Pokemon GO has begun teasing of a new fan-favorite pocket monster coming through an Ultra Space wormhole.
Although the teaser is just 10 seconds long, fans of the Pokemon series will likely be able to identify the shadow of the mysterious creature coming through the Ultra Wormhole. With a teaser that hints at future adventures, as well as a flash of the 2024 Pokemon GO Fest logo, the massive shadow belongs to Pokemon Sun and Moon's legendary known as Necrozma, a creature long anticipated and requested by the community. It's also highly likely that the character Rhi, a member of Pokemon GO's version of the Ultra Recon Squad, will be returning to the game once this event kicks off, considering they were a big part of the 2022 event as well.
The Ultra beast known as Necrozma was originally introduced inside of the seventh generation of the franchise, which includes the Pokemon Sun and Moon series of games. The legendary psychic type has three forms it can shift into when combined with Lunala or Solgaleo, which gives it a dual typing of Psychic/Steel, Psychic/Ghost, and Pyschic/Dragon respectively. Its base form appears to be made out of some