Created by Lee Soo-yeon, is a South Korean thriller series streaming on Disney Plus. The plot revolves around a bodyguard tasked to protect the controversial CEO of a company that makes revolutionary lab-grown meat products. Season 1, comprising 10 episodes, premiered on April 10, 2024. If you are wondering whether there will be a of Blood Free, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all the Blood Free Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
As of April 2024, Disney hasn’t greenlit the second season of Blood Free. This doesn’t come as a surprise as season 1 just came out, and Disney will likely assess its performance before taking any decision.
South Korean scripted shows generally don’t have more than one season. However, this has begun to change in recent years with the growing popularity of the content coming out of that region and the involvement of global platforms in the local entertainment industry. So, if season 1 performs well, another season can happen.
The cast includes Ju Ji-hoon as Woo Chae-woon, Han Hyo-joo as Yun Ja-yu, and Lee Hee-jun as Seon Woo-jae. It also features Lee Moo-saeng as On San, Jun Suk-ho as Seo Hee, and Park Ji-yeon as Jung Hae-deun.
This is because season 1 of Blood Free premiered on the same platform. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when Disney announces the second season of the series.
The official synopsis for the series reads:
“After diving down a rabbit hole of tangled leads, a former bodyguard finds himself recruited to protect the CEO of a controversial lab-grown meat company who is also a survivor of the fateful attack that changed his life.”