The Great League Remix battle mode is back in May 2024, showcasing new strategies and excellent Pokémon match-ups. With some limitations as to which Pokémon you can use and under 1,500 Combat Power or CP, you will find the most versatile number of teams in this league. However, sticking to the meta game or finding great counters will always lead to more wins.
Unfortunately, the bans on some Pokémon for the Great League Remix include some fan favorites, such as Empoleon, Wigglytuff, and Galarian Stunfisk in . However, all is not lost as they are considered to be "" Pokémon of the Great League, which definitely will be allowed in other competitive formats. This means that there are more options for teams to be tried throughout the Great League Remix battle season.
Know all the best counters to beat Sierra’s lineup in Pokémon GO during the month of May 2024 and get a chance to catch her Shadow Trapinch.
Carbink has become the best and newest addition to the Great League competitive scene. This is because its strong typing gives it access to great same-type attack bonus moves. Pair it with a Machamp for Steel-type counters and Cresselia for Poison-type moves. Carbink covers its type weaknesses, too, taking down Flying- and Dark-types with its Rock- and Fairy-type moves.
Rock Throw, Rock Slide, Moonblast
Psycho Cut, Grass Knot, Moonblast
Counter, Cross Chop, Rock Slide
Prepare to counter Mantine or Mantyke's 4x weakness to Electric-type moves if they are the core of your Great League Remix battle team.This makes Ground-type Pokémon such as Quagsire and Steelix important teammates for many match-ups.
Both will resist same-type attack-boosted moves heavily, allowing Mantine or Mantyke to last longer. Consider using Mantine against Ground-type Pokémon, which frequent the format. This is because of its resistance to Ground-type moves with access to ice beams, which is