has always been my white whale of sorts, a game that I have sunk close to a hundred hours into, but never quite beaten. It's a game I love, unconditionally, and yet one that frequently sees me beat my head against a wall as I become increasingly frustrated with its combat, RPG systems, and sometimes, honestly, general design. There is so much to be frustrated about in, and yet, time and time again, I find myself coming back to it.
That's because is one of the most immersive open-world games of all time, a game so densely detailed, so brimming with life, so carefully crafted as to allow players to genuinely roleplay. I have never played anything quite like, and I thought I'd never again until was announced. Now that it is finally here, I couldn't be more excited, especially as it fixes so many of its predecessor's flaws while adding a number of impressive immersive elements, including one revolving around its crime system.
has perhaps the most ambitious crime system in any RPG ever, thanks to how it permanently affects Henry. This is perhaps not so surprising to fans as is a bigger game, featuring a number of genre-defining features that will revolutionize the RPG genre. However, while I expected to offer a unique spin on its crime system, I never envisioned it would be as impressive as it is. In fact, I am so blown away by it that I shudder to imagine returning to the likes of and .
In, like with any good RPG, players can commit crimes, including stealing, getting into fights, and murdering others. However, if the player gets caught, then they'll receive increasingly severe punishments, starting with being put in the stockade and ending with being hung. While I was a little apprehensive at first about the idea of dying, I've absolutely come around to it, as it plays into intense focus on immersion and perfectly capturing reality within its well-researched and painstakingly recreated historical setting.
The aspect of crime system that impressed me the most was how
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