The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is the most successful movie franchise of all time. Both financially and in the eyes of the public, this superhero universe is a tremendous success worthy of much acclaim. For the most part, however, Marvel movies and television shows can be somewhat formulaic. The good guy attempts to beat the bad guy, struggles, and eventually redeems themselves – usually in combat. Sprinkle in a few memorable orchestral pieces and quintessential Marvel humor, and that is a wrap.
There have been a couple of noteworthy exceptions to the humorous and lighthearted nature of the MCU. First, the Winter Soldier brought a certain darkness and ruthlessness to the MCU that previous villains had not. Then, the Black Widow’s tragic backstory pulled on audiences’ proverbial heartstrings.
Watch Ethan Hawke And Oscar Isaac React To The Moon Knight Trailer
Most importantly, then there was Thanos. The Mad Titan successfully killed half of all living things in the MCU, bringing a definitive harshness to Avengers: Infinity War that had not been present in previous Marvel projects. In March, audiences around the world will be introduced to yet another dark character from Marvel Comics: Moon Knight. The Moon Knight television series will give Marvel an opportunity to stylistically shift yet again. Moon Knight is an extremely rich and complex superhero who will intellectually and emotionally challenge the audience.
From early on in the Moon Knight television series, audiences should learn that the protagonist cannot be trusted to dispel reality to the audience. As the trailer for the show demonstrates, this is because Moon Knight has sleep problems where he cannot discern between his waking life and dreams.
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