Mario Kart is an iconic video game franchise, and over the past several console generations from Nintendo, we’ve seen this series thrive. However, the last generation of the Nintendo company didn’t quite hit the strides they hoped to see. Mario Kart 8 was one of the bigger hits on the Nintendo Wii U, but with the console failing to see a community of players, the game had a new lease of life. With the Nintendo Switch, a console hybrid that proved to be incredibly popular with consumers worldwide, Nintendo brought back a few of the games that did well on the Wii U. One of those was Mario Kart 8 in the form of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Today, we still find players enjoying Mario Kart 8 Deluxedespite it being available for several years. However, rather than move on and deliver a new mainline installment, Nintendo is keeping players on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with their Booster Course Pass. It took a few years since the game launched to bring this pass out, but with it comes a selection of new courses and even characters. We have already had four waves of this Booster Course released, but now the attention is on wave 5. Nintendo has just released a new trailer today hyping up the next wave and unveiling the courses and characters being added to it.
As you can see above, there is another selection of courses that were brought into the game from past Mario Kart installments. Meanwhile, we also have a brand new course in the form of Squeaky Clean Sprint. Then we also have the addition of new characters being brought into the game, which will join Birdo, who was previously added in during wave 4. With all that said, this is not the last wave of new additions being added to the game. We know wave 6 is coming to the game later this year.