At New York Comic Con 2023, Toei Animation announced the next anime installment of the sprawling Dragon Ball franchise, Dragon Ball: Daima, in which Goku and friends are getting… younger and tinier?
Monica Rial, the English dub voice of the tech-wiz Bulma inDragon Ball Super, served as moderator for a specialDragon Ball panel. “I got away from [Bulma’s hotheaded Saiyan hubby] Vegeta for the weekend,” she jested. She got the fans fired up by teasing a “mysterious exclusive new video, not announced anywhere else.” Also attending was Ian Sinclair, the English voice of Whis (the right-hand guy of Beerus the Destroyer), who had never seen the footage.
Now, Sinclair and fans got their glimpse at a special teaser for a new series,Dragon Ball: Daima, celebrating 40 years of the franchise. With Toriyama’s writing and designs, Daima is a Dragon Ball tale never told elsewhere in the franchise. Somehow Goku, Bulma, Piccolo, Yamcha and others have been reduced into cutesy pint-sized younger forms. The series is slated for a fall 2024 release.
Before a Dragon Ball fan can scratch their heads and utter, “I got so many questions,” you’re not getting any answers for a while. The visiting Dragon Ball executive producer Akio Iyoku (with a translator) remained secretive about the transformation. “Yes, it’s very curious. There are some things I can’t say… Akira Toriyama has been deeply involved beyond his usual capacity in the character design and artwork and more.”
“We decided [the title] a few days ago,” shared Iyoku. So why the title Daima?
A letter form Toriyama, displayed on screen at the panel, explained it along with some–still vague–plot development:
“DAIMA” is a made-up term… in English would be something like “Evil.”
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