The 2023 Game Developers Conference will once again feature Alt.Ctrl.GDC , an exhibition dedicated to games that use alternative control schemes and interactions in new, exciting, and clever ways. Ahead of GDC 2023, Game Developer will be talking to the developers of each of the games that have been selected for the showcase.
inTIErrupted is a cooperative escape game about untangling an incredibly long, puzzle-filled tie without getting caught in such a compromising position.
Game Developer sat down with French K155, the development team behind the puzzling tie controller, to talk about the challenges that come from designing puzzles you're supposed to wear around your neck, the practice of creating a controller that feels good to touch, and the thoughts that went into creating the alibis that would enhance the humor of this intimate co-op game.
What's your name, and what was your role on this project?
Nowacki: I’m Clément Nowacki and was in charge of inTIErrupted's game design. I focused my work on the gamefeel and the player experience. I did a bit of code and V/SFX as well.
Famechon: My name is Océane Famechon and I am the narrative designer behind inTIErrupted. My work focused on creating the whole fantasy and story of the game, as well as creating the alternative controller.
The team is composed by IIM students doing Masters in game design, game art, game producing and marketing, game programming, and UX/UI design as well.
How do you describe your innovative controller to someone who's completely unfamiliar with it?
Nowacki: The main asset of inTIErrupted is its 3.5m long tie! It’s basically a hand-sewn escape game that players have to untie as fast as they can. Within a game of red light / green