Atomic Heart transports players into a dystopian world ruled by the Soviets, owing to their technological innovations. They will be shooting robots, solving puzzles, and meeting a diverse cast of characters. The game also comprises Testing Grounds, which are explorable underground facilities.
These are completely optional and players can even skip them. However, it is ideal to partake in these puzzle rooms since they offer weapon upgrade blueprints and more as rewards. The Testing Grounds are also referred to as Polygon and are marked on the world map.
Atomic Heart presents an alternate-history version of a world dominated by Soviet technological advancements. It is atmospheric and oozes a style reminiscent of Bioshock and modern Wolfenstein games. Despite being a linear title, it features some hub areas that are worth exploring.
Testing Grounds are underground dungeons/facilities that involve solving a series of puzzles. They also contain loot chests called Lootyagin, which can be acquired by going through the locations and solving the puzzles. There are eight Testing Grounds in Atomic Heart.
The game’s protagonist, P-3, has a glove named Charles equipped on his left hand that acts as an important tool. Players can upgrade their glove abilities like Shok (Shock), Mass Telekinesis, Frostbite, Polymeric Jet, Polymeric Shield, and more using the NORA terminals in safe rooms.
The glove also features a scanning ability, using which players can highlight all the lootable items in any area. The Testing Grounds are item-rich and thus demand gamers to keep an eye out for loot. The glove acts as a magnet and pulls all the loot automatically from drawers, lockers, and other areas.
Players can conveniently locate the Testing Grounds'