Atomic Heart presents an alternate-history dystopian world dominated by the Soviets. Players are given the reins of a war veteran named Major Nechaev, also known as P-3. Despite having a military background, he is a quirky protagonist and uses catchphrases throughout the game. Crispy Critters is one of the most frequently used words in Atomic Heart.
Crispy Critters seems to be a quirky way to present curse words. Fans and YouTubers have been speculating about the exact meaning of these words since there is no official information from Mundfish to clarify the same. P-3 utters Crispy Critters during circumstances that invoke anger or surprise. This has led many to speculate that it is simply a fancy curse word.
Atomic Heart features a vivid world wherein Soviet technology has advanced leaps and bounds to the extent that manual labor has become irrelevant. In this fictional setting, it is natural to have some aspects to make the game stand out on its own. Crispy Critters is seemingly a part of this effort.
This is the first occurrence of the word in the form of spoken dialog. There hasn't been any pop culture reference to this phrase, and the only thing that comes close to its significance is a cereal by the same name that was in circulation during the 1960s.
P-3, the game’s protagonist, suffers from amnesia. This has led many to believe that his vocabulary knowledge could have taken a hit due to it. Crispy Critters can be a replacement for curse words and is fabricated by the protagonist himself.
Until an official statement from the developers, the aforementioned possibilities can be considered in lieu of theorizing the actual meaning of the word. Many players are admiring the protagonist’s quirkiness, while others feel it