Have you ever heard of an event where people from all over Earth gather together just to observe the Moon - virtually? Well, every year NASA organizes International Observe the Moon Night, which is an annual public event and it is sponsored by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission, the Solar System Exploration Division at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and other NASA and astronomical organizations. Know when and where can you watch this Moon event:
For those eager to know more about the latest lunar event, a NASA TV Broadcast has been scheduled for this year's International Observe the Moon Night. You can tune in at 7 p.m. EDT / 23:00 UTC on October 21, 2023, and embark on a lunar journey that connects people across the globe through their shared love for the Moon. Know more about this exciting event in detail:
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International Observe the Moon Night is a remarkable global event that unites Moon enthusiasts and curious individuals from all corners of the world. This annual celebration invites people to delve into the captivating world of lunar science and exploration, take part in celestial observations, and pay tribute to their cultural and personal connections to Earth's celestial companion.
The beauty of this event is its accessibility. Anyone, regardless of location, can join in the lunar festivities. Participants have the flexibility to attend or host virtual or in-person events or simply observe the Moon from the comfort of their homes. The global lunar community comes together through various platforms, including the event's Facebook page, social media channels using #ObserveTheMoon, and the International Observe the Moon Night Flickr group.
As per NASA, the main goals of
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