Personal style is always subjective, so dress-up games like can be tricky to figure out, particularly when some styling challenges seem to prioritize points over fashion. Any veteran can attest that the games have always rewarded odd outfits as long as they match the attributes required by the challenge, but every once in a while, there will be a challenge that doesn't. For players new to the franchise, it can be confusing and difficult to know when looks matter and when they don't.
In every game like , clothes have two different tag types. In the first describes the clothing's style and can be one of the following tags: Elegant, Cool, Sweet, Sexy, or Fresh. The second tag type is a bit more specific but also abstract and describes the clothing type or background. For example, a soldier's coat might have the style tags of Cool and Fresh and a type tag of "" These two tag types are the most important things to consider in any styling contest.
The best way to ensure a win in Styling Contests is by following the recommended style tag, but sometimes this isn't enough. This can be for a few reasons, the most prevalent being that the chosen clothes don't stay on theme. Often, the theme is indicated in the dialogue before a challenge begins and will provide more direction than the style tag can give.
Like in real life, style is personal in, so sometimes, an outfit that seems to fulfill the theme won't work out. When that happens, there are a few ways to improve.
For Faction Challenges, different factions focus on a specific style based on where they're found. That's not to say every Faction Challenge is going to feature this style, but it's something to consider when preparing. These stats are:
Stat Type
Breezy Meadow
As more locations are unlocked over time, more will be added to this list, but this is a good one to stick to for now. Alongside looking at the style tag, each Faction member will mention what type of outfit they're