In , players can solve optional side mysteries such as The Haunting for additional rewards likeAdventure Points and hidden items. Some of these items can be Adventure Books, which are quite valuable as they can be used to upgrade Indy's combat prowess, health and stamina bars, and inventory management. However, sometimes they can also be collectible items, such as Ancient Relics, that will initiate additional fieldwork quests.
Each level in this game contains quite a few mysteries to solve, and Gizeh is no exception. Exploring every nook and cranny of the levels will typically yield new quests and rewards to engage with, which aligns with the adventurous nature of the franchise. Mysteries can be initiated in a number of ways, but collecting documents and notes from around the levels is a surefire way to find them. One of these mysteries in Gizeh is «The Haunting,» in which Indy learns about possible paranormal activity at a nearby excavation site.
In order to start The Haunting Mystery, you will need to navigate over to the small Nazi camp in the opening section of Gizeh. Entering through the front will anger the guards, so head around to the right side of the camp and locate a small hole in the fence that Indy can crouch through. Sneak around the perimeter of the camp until you reach the larger tent, which contains the necessary documents for beginning the mystery.
I recommend grabbing a sturdy improvised weapon, such as a shovel or sledgehammer, in case you get spotted by the guards.
As soon as you enter, take out the guard that is staring at the shelves and hide his body in the corner of the tent, so no guards outside can see him. Look at the table on the right side of the tent, and you will find a document titled "," which will initiate The Haunting Mystery upon its collection. There is no need to use the camera like in the Fountain of Confession puzzle, but make sure to grab the Haunted Tomb Key as well, as you will need this in order to continue onward with