Konami has fixed one of the more glaring issues with the Master Collection version of Metal Gear Solid 1. When the game hit Steam three days ago, players were supposed to be able to download different language packs—Japanese, US English and what-have-you—via the game's launcher. Unfortunately, the relevant Steam pages were inexplicably AWOL, making international versions of the game inaccessible.
That was fatal. At least here in the UK, the only version of MGS 1 I could play was the UK English—or PAL—version. Unlike US NTSC games, PAL versions are built for 50hz screens, meaning the only version of MGS 1 I had access to felt unbearably sluggish in addition to being hard to parse in all its low-res, PS1-era glory. It also meant you couldn't play MGS: Integral at all, since that version needed you to download the Japanese language pack before it would launch.
That problem, at least, is fixed. Konami has cut the Gordian knot and just added those additional language packs as normal DLCs in Steam, meaning you can download them if you go to MGS 1's entry in your Steam library and click «Manage my DLC». Friends, if you've been restricted to the UK English version of the game like I have, you should absolutely do this. The US English/NTSC version—specced for 60hz screens—feels so much nicer to play I almost feel like Konami shouldn't have included the PAL version at all.
That doesn't mean the game is suddenly fixed, mind you. I'm still experiencing a bit of input lag and various audio bugs on the US English version of the game, and the emulator Konami has packaged up with MGS 1 still lacks the bells and whistles you'd find if you emulated the game yourself via something like Duckstation. But if you just want to launch MGS 1 and
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