One Piece Odyssey is a game fans of the anime have been waiting for. It begins with the straw hat crew getting separated on the island of Waford. Players must reunite with them and encounter several bosses and enemies throughout the journey. One of them is the Fire Colossus.
This boss can be encountered very early in One Piece Odyssey. Players will fight him in Chapter 1: Island of Storms. Initially, he appears as a flaming ring bell. But he transforms into a giant on provocation, and his legs and arms pop out. He can be located in the South Forest region of Waford island.
Defeating the Fire Colossus rewards 40000 Exp and 6,724 Berries.
You can only proceed to fight Fire Colossus after defeating Del Kong. As you progress after the Straw Hat crew separates, you will need to find Nami.
You will find her with the giant orangutan Del Kong. He is the first boss you will encounter in the game. This fight is an excellent tutorial and brings you up to speed with the fighting mechanics. After defeating him, you can head to South Forest.
Fire Colossus is a Power Element-type boss. He holds a fire torch in one hand and uses it frequently during the fight. He does a lot of power and fire damage to you and your party members.
Fire Colossus has two primary attacks - A Solar Heat Wave attack that travels in a straight line and inflicts around 230 damage points and Burning Truth, wherein he slams his fire torch to the ground, inflicting around 150 damage.
The best strategy is to use Luffy, Zorro, and Robin to aggressively attack the Fire Colossus, while you can use Tony Tony Chopper to heal a party member. You can use Zoro’s Rashomon attack and Robin’s Ochenta Fleurs Cuatro Mano Shock to damage the Fire Colossus.
Fire Colossus also has an