Seth MacFarlane is looking back on his Gilmore Girls cameo and offering new insight into how his brief appearances in the show came to be. Created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, the dramedy series centered on single mother Lorelai Gilmore and her teenage daughter Rory and their lives in the small town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, where Lorelai runs an inn and longs to open her own while Rory strives to attend Harvard University and become a journalist. Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel led the cast of Gilmore Girls as Lorelai and Rory.
First premiering in 2000 on The WB, Gilmore Girls received rave reviews from critics and audiences alike through most of its run for its strong writing, character development, witty blend of drama and comedy and the performances from Graham and Bledel, the former of whom earned a Golden Globe nomination for her work. As season 7 shifted to the newly launched CW, original creator/showrunner Sherman-Palladino and her producing husband Daniel left the show due to failed negotiations, leading to a poorly reviewed final season when a new contract for Graham and Bledel couldn't come together. Gilmore Girls would return with a Netflix revival in 2016, which received more favorable reviews from critics and viewers.
Related: Gilmore Girls Revival: Why Sookie & Dean Are Hardly In A Year In The Life
Ahead of the return of his sci-fi series The Orville, Seth MacFarlane caught up with Wired for the latest episode in their Autocomplete Interview series. When posed with the question of his involvement with Gilmore Girls, MacFarlane confirmed his cameo appearances in the show and recalled how his relationship with executive producer Daniel Palladino helped it happen. See what MacFarlane shared below:
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