After completing a side quest in , players may sometimes have the option of asking for an additional fee, but it can be unclear whether the risks outweigh the rewards. Witches and wizards might be understandably hesitant to offend or be rude to other characters in case they permanently harm their in-game relationships, barring future dialogue and side quest opportunities. This is often the case in many RPGs, and so choosing whether to ask for more money in can be a tough decision.
After all, earning Galleons in game is crucial if players want to receive a comprehensive experience. The cost of gear, brooms, potions and their ingredients, and Room of Requirement Conjuration Spellcrafts starts to add up quite quickly. Luckily, there are several ways to make money fast in , but it might not be immediately obvious whether asking NPCs for an additional reward is one of them.
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As it turns out, it's always worth asking for more money after quests in. In fact, there's little to no consequence in doing so. Some NPCs might openly express their exasperation, but nonetheless, virtually every quest giver will give in and grant the player a few extra Galleons for their troubles. This choice won't even affect character relationships; merchants and vendors, for example, will still sell their wares to the student and have the same dialogue options, regardless of whether they asked for extra rewards after a quest in .
In general, there isn't much of a morality system in. Choosing to be rude, whether it's motivated by monetary gain or not, will have minimal effects on gameplay. Even something as drastic as choosing 's dark wizard path won't influence player relationships with characters or