@LtSarge San An is a weird one. I bought it on Day 1 back in 2004 and it was the best thing ever back then. Me and my mate played it in some form almost every weekend until probably late 2007.
I'm the other way round, I love the driving missions, the more mindless the better. Driving in GTA games is one of my favourite gaming activities, particularly in III and San Andreas. I could drive around and listen to the radio stations for hours, proper chills me out. Conversely, I hate any mission involving shooting, or getting out of my car whatsover!
I played the definitive edition last year and I agree with everything else you've said. The turf capturing stuff is a nightmare and the checkpointing system makes even the most intolerable missions bearable. The story doesn't fully deliver on its early promise in my opinion and yeah… don't get too attached to your ammo.
I always felt it was slightly overrated, even though I played it loads back in the day. My favourite story is still IV, the fifth game probably has the best world for exploration, and III is just my fave because, well, if you think me and my mate put a lot of hours into SA, that's nothing compared to III lol. I got it bundled in with my PS2, the first console I bought with my own money, so it has a special place in my heart
Glad you enjoyed SA though and I enjoyed reading your thoughts. I could talk about the PS2 GTAs all day!
[Edited by Gremio108]
@Gremio108 I do like driving in San Andreas, although I preferred motorcycles over cars. I felt like most of the roads were too narrow, so having a bike was a necessity for me in order to get around the map without crashing into every single thing on the way. Unfortunately, I didn't like the radio stations in this game. Vice City had great classics and GTA 3 had great trance/house music. But the rap music in SA just wasn't for me.
I do agree that San Andreas is rather overrated in terms of the story. My favourite one is also GTA IV's. What a fantastic game that was!
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