The upcoming will involve a new adventure in the Kalos region, particularly in Lumiose City, and features many of the familiar Pokémon who were introduced in the games. The second in the series of games, this one has a very urban and futuristic feel to it, as Lumiose City is redeveloped to be a comfortable place for people and Pokémon alike. So far, only colorful neon shadows have been shown in the first trailer for the game, giving early hints as to which Pokémon will be included.
Planned for a 2025 release, appears to take a drastically different approach than did, possibly transporting players into the future, an alternate reality, or even remaining in current times rather than looking at legends of the past. At the time of writing, not much has been revealed yet regarding the story, and even the list of confirmed Pokémon is based on what can be gleaned from the trailer that debuted on Pokémon Day 2024. What is known is that it will include many of the familiar characters from 's Generation 6 which were previously seen in the titles.
In the first trailer revealed for , the video had a futuristic feel, giving partially obscured, neon glimpses of some of the Pokémon enjoying Lumiose City in the game. As Pikachu runs through the streets of the city, it passes by many recognizable shapes of othercreatureswho were introduced in Gen 6 and earlier eras. Even the city itself has a distinctly futuristic -like feel as viewers follow Pikachu's sprint through the area.
The YouTube descriptive text for the video further states that the adventure takes place in Lumiose City, "." Lumiose City will seemingly be the only location in this game, with the entirety of the adventure taking place within. This could present some interesting challenges, particularly when it comes to the number of Pokémon that will be able to be discovered and caught during the story. That said, it is a very large city that will offer unique situations, and therefore many different types are still