If you've been keeping up with the latest Dragon's Dogma 2 discourse, chances are, you've already heard of Dragonsplague. The contagious in-game illness, which can spread from Pawn to Pawn between players' games, has become a major talking point solely due to how severe its consequences can be if left unchecked.
Namely, if you fail to deal with the disease fast enough, it can result in a town's entire NPC population getting wiped out overnight. So yeah, it's a bit extreme. Needless to say, ever since it was highlighted, most players have been on the lookout for any signs of their Pawns coming down with the illness. Red, glowing eyes are a dead giveaway, and you might also notice them suffering from headaches or becoming disobedient all of a sudden. At that point, there's one very easy solution – throw them into the Brine.
Not everyone is on board with this approach, however. On Reddit, we've already seen rise to a group of satirical "anti-Briners" who insist that Dragonsplague is all a hoax. If your Pawn has red eyes, they say, they're probably just tired and could benefit from a good night's rest at an inn… in a densely populated town (please don't actually do this).
"Dragonsplague is a hoax," one proclaims. "First and foremost I am a proud anti-Briner. The Brine is the devil and should be avoided at all costs. If a Pawn gets red eyes, starts getting headaches, and disobeys orders, THEY ARE FINE. All you need to do is put them together with other Pawns without red eyes. This so-called 'plague party' will up their natural immunity to any illnesses (not that Dragonsplague is real in the first place)."
Furthermore, they suggest that once all the Pawns' eyes become red, you can "safely dismiss them back to their masters where they can continue doing the lord's work in building up other Pawns' natural immunity to diseases." Ironically, infecting another Pawn is genuinely one way to get rid of Dragonsplague, but it's far less safe than just dismissing them if they're
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