Since Dragon Ball Super: Broly in 2018, fans have been excitedly awaiting the iconic shōnen anime’s big-screen return. As a continuation of the original Dragon Ball franchise but distinct from the specific arcs of Dragon Ball Z, the Dragon Ball Super series is known for its distinct epic scope and sense of spectacle. With its big return coming soon (and its current, successful theatrical run in Japan), fans have a lot to look forward to for Super Hero.
In an announcement from Crunchyroll, who’s handling the movie’s distribution, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is slated for a North American theatrical release in North American theaters beginning on August 19. The release date of August 19 also extends to the United Kingdom and Ireland, and other territories are slated for release dates in varying days around the same period.
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Taking place in the aftermath of the Red Ribbon Army’s destruction, the “Super Heroes” Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 are sent as hyper-powerful androids going after Piccolo and Gohan. In following these new androids, the film’s plot is set to uncover a surprising new objective for the remnants of the Red Ribbon army.
Super Hero is definitely worth looking into for longtime fans of the franchise—the story and character designs for the film are being handled by the legendary creator of Dragon Ball himself, Akira Toriyama. The animation is being handled by Toei, and the Japanese voice cast includes Masako Nozawa, Toshio Furukawa, and Ryō Horikawa among others. The English voice cast includes Kyle Hebert, Robert McCollum, Chris Sabat, and even the legendary voice of Super Mario, Charles Martinet, onboard to voice Magenta.
Despite being such a big-name release,