's Episodes and Sagas feature the stories of many characters but also offer unique endings you can unlock by meeting certain requirements. Future Trunks is one of eight characters who have alternate story paths you can get by achieving certain goals. A special achievement awaits those who reach these endings, along with other rewards.
In total, there are three different endings for Future Trunks, whose two Sparking Episodes in are considered deviations from the of the series. While it may be disappointing to see a lack of story paths for Future Trunks' role during the Android/Cell Saga, you can still reach interesting paths to the iconic character's tale.
All of Future Trunks' endings begin to take hold in Chapter 6 of the character's Episodes, where you are offered different choices. New options are given to you when you complete certain requirements usually tied to Episode Battle fights seen in a character's path. For example, one end may only be unlocked when you defeat a set of strong opponents in as quickly as possible.
Dragon Orbs are a great way to easily get through alternate paths in Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero, as they'll lower the difficulty of matches.
Here are all the different endings you can get for Future Trunks in, including his ending:
How To Unlock
Complete all of Future Trunks' regular Episodes, then choose during the mission in Chapter 6.
Shining Hope
In the mission in Chapter 6, defeat Goku Black and Zamasu as fast as possible.
Inherited Pride
During choose instead of going back to Future Trunks' timeline. Then, during the mission, defeat Vegeta, Piccolo, and Gohan as fast as possible. Then, choose to to assist him in winning the Tournament of Power.
Embarking Toward Tomorrow
During choose instead of going back to Future Trunks' timeline. Then, during the mission, defeat Vegeta, Piccolo, and Gohan as fast as possible. Then, choose to to assist him in winning the Tournament of Power.
Usually, when you have an objective to beat
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