If you want to improve your fighting skills in , the most effective way to start out, is by perfecting your counters. Countering your opponent's attacks will keep you from getting stuck in their attack combos and give you a chance to strike back.
You can use several types of counters and evasions in fights,like using Wild Sense. However, the Revenge Counter is one of the best counters you learn early on. This counter can only be used after you've been hit, so timing is essential. Once you get the timing down, it will stop your opponent mid-attack, knocking them back a few steps and opening them up for an attack.
Equipping Ability Items will customize and provide powerful buffs to your favorite fighters in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero.
In order to use a Revenge Counter, you'll first need your opponent to hit you. Then, right after their blow lands, press R3 to perform a Revenge Counter. You'll need to time your counter just right, so head to Battle Training with Piccolo to get a chance to practice this invaluable counter until you've perfected the technique.
Some characters in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero have the ability to transform and power up, or fuse with other fighters to grow incredibly strong.
A Revenge Counter can even be used against mid and long-ranged attacks, not just against close-ranged ones. After a ki blast, press R3, and it hits you, and you'll charge in next to your opponent. While this is an extremely useful skill, using it will use up two skill points, so you'll need to build up your skill gauge before performing a Revenge Counter.
Once you have hit your opponent with a Revenge Counter, they will be open to attack, so follow up with a combo chain of your own. Just be on the lookout for an interrupt/counter from your opponent, especially if they have skill points in reserve.
If your enemy uses a Revenge Counter on you, you'll have a chance to interrupt it, as seen in Pippin89's video. When your attack is countered,you can interrupt the counter by
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