“Hey, you wanna play XYZ game?”
“I don’t know. How long does it play?”
“3 hours. Plus a teach…”
Kill me.
Don’t get me wrong: meatier games can be enjoyed or even preferred. But for those of us who would rather enjoy the company of our friends or have similar internal monologues, then Flip 7 from the OP might be the answer you’re looking for. Unless you don’t like fun.
Flip 7 is a press-your-luck race to 200 points. Pick a player to be the dealer for your first round. On your turn, choose to hit (have a card dealt to you) or stay (bank your points for the round). The game is played with a deck of numbered cards (0-12), modifiers that double or add up to 10 points to your total, and special cards. These special cards let you stop another player’s round, force someone including yourself to flip three cards in a row, or get a second chance. This second chance card is helpful because if you hit a number already dealt to you during the round, you’re out and receive no points.
With the numbered cards, each integer has a matching number of cards in the deck (the 12 card has twelve cards, 11, and so on; 0 and 1 both have one card). If you manage to hit seven number cards in a round, you end the round for everyone and gain 15 bonus points. Otherwise, the round ends once the last player chooses to stay. Points are totaled by adding up number cards and any modifiers. Each round, the next person in order becomes the dealer and play continues this way until someone reaches or exceeds 200 points.
Flip 7 is great when you want something casual and doesn’t burn many brain calories to teach or play. It’s entertaining for those who enjoy pushing their luck. I love these kinds of games, so I took a shine to it immediately. While many games of this style focus on you pushing your luck without other player interaction, I liked how the special cards brought a strategic and interactive element. Forcing someone into an early bust or icing them out of earning more points was always
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