has launched its final free content update of 2024, the Sew Delightful update. It has introduced the addition of Sally from to the valley, who players can find through a series of events similar to the process of finding Jack Skellington. In addition to the introduction of Sally and the new friendship quests she provides, players now also have the opportunity to collect an array of rewards that boast the character's signature patchwork pattern, from furniture to cosmetic items. However, one of the most exciting features to be introduced with the new update is the most whimsical Star Path that has ever been seen in: Frost and Fairies.
The new Frost and Fairies Star Path has been appropriately released for players of to participate in over the holiday period. Following 's previous Star Path, The Night Show, the Frost & Fairies Star Path is the final installment of the event for 2024. While The Night Show Star Path had been active during the Halloween season and featured reward items inspired by rock music and concerts, the Star Path had not been as festive as one would have hoped. However, this does not seem to be an issue with 's new Star Path, as it is befitting of a Christmas theme.
The Frost & Fairies Star Path provides a sequence of various duties and tasks that players can fulfill in exchange for exclusive tokens. The tokens can be used to purchase a variety of limited edition reward items. The theme of the Star Path is inspired by a combination of icy winters as well as magical fairy tales, offering players dazzling reward items that are perfect for decorating the Frosted Heights biome with. In addition to decorative furniture items being among some of the rewards in the Frost and Fairies Star Path, players can collect cosmetic items which will be sure to please fans of Frozen. The Star Path will run until February 5, 2025, giving players a good chunk of time to earn the reward items.
In total, there are 42 reward items available in the Frost & Fairies Star
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