At midnight this past Friday, I was scrolling through Twitter and settled again on the Diablo social page. For the past month, I had really and truly been considering going to Dallas, Texas, for the Diablo Hell’s Ink event and the idea of the event kept seeping into my mind like some sweet eldritch whispers every night since.
Now, I’ve never had a tattoo in my life but I’ve wanted one for years. The main problems being that they’re expensive, and I’m indecisive. I’ve also gained a considerable amount of weight with my health problems so I’ve been kind of self-conscious when it comes to getting inked. What if I lost weight with my kickboxing and the tattoo becomes distorted? That’s a lot of money to spend if it ends up looking later.
So, at 11:30 on Friday night I turned to my fiance (we got engaged last Monday!) and jokingly asked if I could go to Dallas for the event. Never in my life would I have expected him to say yes. It’s pitch black outside, I haven’t had a whole lot of rest except for a big power nap earlier in the day, and I had brought my chunky calico cat Cinnamon with me to visit. He turned to me and asked if I genuinely wanted to go, and I said yes. With zero hesitation, he told me if I wanted to go that he would keep the kids (both our fluffy cats) and he fully supported me. After a quick trip to Walmart to grab a $10 chair for the line, booking an affordable hotel in Dallas near the tattoo studio, and a big kiss I was out the door and on the road.
<p dir=«ltr» lang=«en» xml:lang=«en»>Dallas. Tomorrow. The Dark Lord comes to ink thy flesh.?? Come to Eden Body Art for your free Diablo flash tattoo. Drape thyself in darkness. #HellsInk?? 13360 Preston Rd. Dallas TX, 75240 seven