Mana Project Studio has the perfect game for fans with their new RPG, which allows players to step into the world of their favorite anime. Set in the year 2071, follows bounty hunter Spike Spiegel and his partner Jet Black as they travel on their ship, the Bebop, through the solar system, hunting down bounties while trying to evade darkness in their own pasts. The RPG brings this world to life through the players' imaginations as they immerse themselves in this expansive world.
Players are led through missions by Big Shot, the GM for the RPG, with each session bringing the secrets of their past closer to the surface. Players can play as characters from or create their own bounty hunters as they hunt down antagonists from the series and original bounties created by Big Shot. The RPG is an original d6 dice-based system that uses music as a central theme with choices made by players to use Jazz, Rock, Tango, Blues, or Dance as their musical approach impacting the outcome of their story.
Cowboy Bebop is notorious for its ending, which leaves the state of affairs at the end of the series rather murky. Here's what we know happened.
While at Gen Con, spoke with Silvia De Stefanis about Mana Project Studios' RPG. She explained why this project was so close to her heart and shared the care that Mana Project Studio put into every step of development. De Stefanis also revealed how important the input from the community was and the fun that comes from not only playing beloved characters from the anime series but creating one's own.
De Stefanis discussed how her childhood love of proved to be the perfect marriage with her passion for role-playing games when Mana Projet Studio began working on the RPG. She also shared the long process just to launch the Kickstarter.
Silvia De Stefanis: Well, Cowboy Bebop was a work from the heart for me. I worked on the graphic design and the illustration of the last cover and also illustration of the map, and playtesting, and development.