In the new three-part HBO Max documentary series, The Invisible Pilot, Gary Betzner, a charismatic, daredevil husband and father unexpectedly jumps off a bridge in 1977, despite a seemingly happy home life and a lucrative career as a pilot. His small-town Arkansas community searches for his body in vain while family and friends seek answers. However, the mystery surrounding his death deepened and unfurls a caper-filled tale involving a world of drug smuggling, gun running, and a covert war conducted at the highest level of the U.S. government.
We spoke with Ari Mark and Phil Lott, the directors and executive producers of the Adam McKay produced series, about piecing together the wild true story of hypnosis, secret identities and a double life of dangerous missions and law-breaking.
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How are you guys?
Ari Mark: Life is good. Thank you.
Good, good. First of all, congratulations on the series. It is an absolute wild roller coaster ride.
Ari Mark: That's what we're going for.
Now, I'm curious as to how you both got involved in the project because it looks as though it was started a while back with Craig Hodges, a friend of the family, who seemed to have been documenting the story for the family. How did you both get involved in the project?
Ari Mark: Yeah, great question. So, Craig was a childhood friend of Travis, who was Gary's son. As a childhood friend, this was a story that he grew up with. That's kind of what you want, right? It's this kind of backyard, «My dad's better than your dad.» Sure enough, of course, nobody believed anything. And to Craig's credit, he chased it down. He would knock on their door. It's in the show, and it's real. He would really chase