The Chainsaw Man adaptation is one of the most anticipated anime of 2022, from MAPPA, the studio behind Jujutsu Kaisen and Attack on Titan's final season. But is the hype over such a beloved manga's animated debut overshadowing the potential warning signs of disappointment?
Chainsaw Man is a manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto about a man named Denji doing dirty demon-killing work for the yakuza until he gets whacked and becomes a devil himself. The award-winning manga is seen as a comic of considerable prestige and a must-read that every anime fan'smanga peddling friend has told them to read countless times. Studio MAPPA exploded in popularity during 2020, propelled by hype and fanfare that soon clashed with waves of concern and skepticism. The important discussion of overwork in anime aside, the amount of work MAPPA was taking on was beginning to look troublesome.
Chainsaw Man: Everything You Need To Know Before The Anime Begins
Attack on Titanswitching studio from WIT to MAPPA couldn't have been an easy sell, but fans of the latter studio were quick to point out the great work MAPPA had done up to then. When the first trailer was released, it was hard not to get excited for such a bold continuation after a time jump in the story. The artwork managed to look like Studio WIT's style yet slightly more faithful to the manga.
But upon the TV release, viewers quickly noticed how different the show was from the trailer. The promotional PV was, in fact, a pre-animated trailer, with key animation and art produced specifically for the PV, rather than pulled from in-progress work on the series. Some felt like it was false advertising.
Pointing all this out might imply — to those not in the know — that Attack on Titan: The Final Season was a