Non-fungible tokens, better known as NFTs, have been extremely controversial not only online but with various manga and anime creators. While Shonen Jump — an imprint of Shueisha Inc. — has specifically gone out of their way to decry them on social media, other companies have decided to try and embrace them despite the many anime-related scams they have been involved in already.
Several anime inspired by NFTs are now in the works by a variety of studios. As the popularity of NFTs rapidly declines, it is possible that these may be canceled in the future, but only time can tell. With
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One of the first projects to attempt to combine cryptocurrency with anime was Otaku Coin. The project titled AnimeLoot claims to be “an experimental bottom-up anime project” that is set to be funded by the release of NFTs as well crypto. The project's direction “will gradually take place as the project moves on” meaning there are few details on it so far despite several assets being released.
While it seems that the characters that were purchased may be featured in the eventual show — if it ever exists — there is little proof to show the creators behind Otaku Coin have enough experience to actually produce an anime. No studio has currently been announced to be working on the project either, though it still is getting semi-consistent updates with art on Twitter. The only real information on what the show is to become is that it is set to be an isekai anime.
Anime studio Fanworks announced on February 1, 2022, that it would be collaborating with CryptoNinja to create an anime. Tokyo Otaku Mode, a company known for selling anime figurines and other merchandise, is