So recently I picked up a retro handheld console, specifically the Miyoo Mini+. This machine comes preloaded with hundreds of games from old systems, up to and including PS1. I had a few problems with it, however, namely I found it perhaps a little too small to hold comfortably (I have bigish hands). I could have lived with this, but the deal breaker for me was the screen was too dim. I might have had a defective model — some googling suggested my mileage may vary with the screens on this device. So, back it went and in its place I ordered the Anbernic RG35XX and I am certainly not disappointed!
Out of the box it comes with a basic operating system installed, and again hundreds of ROMs. The ones I played all seemed fine, although it included some weird versions of games and some strange naming.
It comes with a 64gb memory card included. These cards are cheap and apparently prone to failure, so I ordered a high quality replacement 16gb card, and another 128gb card (it can hold 2). I'm surprised how cheap microSD cards are these days, I paid under £30 including a good quality USB card reader. On the 16gb card I installed a custom OS, called GarlicOS, leaving me the other 128gb card entirely for new ROMs.
These extra steps weren't really necessary as the default OS and roms are fine, but GarlicOS comes with some really nice features so it is worth the effort. For one, it includes a sleep function for fast restarts. Secondly, upon closing any ROM by pushing the menu button it creates a save state (with a nice screenshot) and adds it to the list of your recently played games. You can then scroll through your list and within seconds get back into the game, or launch right back into something you were playing earlier.