's Creations marketplace isn't all bad: it's finally fixed one of the game's most baffling quests. The addition of the Creation Club, a mod marketplace and a common mechanic across all of Bethesda's major RPGs in the past 15 years, has already caused review bombing and backlash for . That's mainly because it requires players to purchase virtual currency before downloading certain mods, including a $7, one-and-done side mission put out by Bethesda itself.
But there are upsides to 's Creations. It allows console players to mod the game, a feature that's normally unavailable anywhere besides PC. And it is nice to know that some modders will be paid for their hard work. Some mods, like the Community Patch, also attempt to fix problems with the base game. Others aren't quite so ambitious as a full-blown update, but still attempt to fix things the base game leaves out in creative ways.
Starfield's Adoring Fan was a fun addition to the Settled Systems, but thanks to a mod, he is now far more of an asset to the crew.
A mod entitled "" allows players to resolve the quest "" the way the base game always should've: by attacking a group of greedy hotel executives, and allowing a group of lost colonists to settle on the world they've taken over instead. The mod is available via both 's Creations and Nexus Mods. By default, this quest's options are pretty lackluster, and the bad guys always seem to come out on top.
Here's the situation: a colony ship that predates the invention of the grav drive and faster-than-light travel, the, was originally set to land on the uninhabited planet of Porrima II and start a human colony there. However, with the ships' relatively low-tech mode of travel, it's taken the crew almost 200 years to get there. When the player character arrives, the remains in orbit. Its crew determines that Porrima II has been taken over by the tourism industry, and turned into a luxury resort named Paradiso. The can't hail Paradiso because its communications systems
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