No Man's Sky remains one of the greatest comeback stories in the industry, a shaky launch entirely reversed by nearly a decade of meaningful and entirely free support. More than a dozen expansions later, however, and despite a new game on the way, game director Sean Murray is still yearning to improve the game's reputation.
In a tweet yesterday, nearly eight years after the initial release of No Man's Sky, Murray announced that the game's Steam review score had just ticked up to 78% positive. He also revealed that it had taken five years for the game to reach Steam's 'Mostly Positive' rating, which is unlocked when 70% of reviews recommend a title. No Man's Sky reached that marker in 2021, which means that it's taken around three years for it to gain the next 8%.
Guys, we just ticked up to 78% Positive in "All Reviews" ♥️ 2021 we hit Mostly Positive (70%), which took 5 years