princess Zelda: top related news

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10.05 / 14:11
Action UPS Provident Nintendo Why doesn’t Link talk in ‘The Legend of Zelda?’
If you’re reading this article right now, you’ve been stumped by the above question for longer than you’d care to admit. Maybe you’re not too engrossed in the Legend of Zelda lore, or perhaps you’re a newcomer to the franchise and still learning the ropes. For whatever reason you sought the answer to TLoZ‘s most befuddling question, we strive to provide you with some closure. We hadn’t gotten any sort of clue as to why Link doesn’t talk until Breath of the Wild, which dared to delve deeper into Link’s motivations than ever before, which was a real first for the Nintendo franchise. Even six years post-release, Breath of the Wild has continued to entertain gamers with hours of amusement and fascinating lore. It’s held the ship steady in preparation for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which launches worldwide on May 12, 2023.