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30.07 / 10:15
Extreme Amazon Citizens Death Stranding’s America Is Unrecognizable (But It Doesn’t Matter)
With Death Stranding, Kojima Productions made a point of setting the game in a ruinous future version of the United States of America, but the America depicted in the game bears little resemblance to the real-world country, though this does not lessen the game’s message or its impact. Where the actual USA is about 3,000 miles across from coast-to-coast, the map of America in Death Stranding is estimated at roughly 200 to 500 miles from end to end. Prior to the game’s release, some theorized Death Stranding would be set in Iceland. The environment of Death Stranding certainly seemed to support the theory, with its prevalence of cliffs, black sand, moss, and lava rock formations. There are very few trees to be seen, and no conventional wildlife roams the land, making the game look very different from America’s geography — all of which is by design.