In , customers at Random Play make plenty of requests, and the «Enquiry is no exception. Requesting a video where „people turn into Bangboo,“ this particular video store patron requires a specific videotape that players might still need to unlock or is quite easy to miss. If you want a movie that'll keep her kids occupied, the correct answer players will be looking for is easy, especially when you know where to look.
Although the solution can't be found in the Bangboo tier list for , the right tape for this Enquiry can be obtained by boosting the Random Play store to a certain level. Some other obtainable videotapes in the game can only be earned through completing certain side quests. By comparison, getting the correct item for the is much simpler.
Here is what Disorder is in Zenless Zone Zero and how players can utilize the Attribute Anomaly system for tons of extra damage with different Agents.
To fulfill the film Enquiry of the, „“ is the correct answer your protagonist needs to select. A film about a man called Bob; this film involves the man waking up in a scrapyard as an old Bangboo. Although the videotape's cover isn't very obvious without looking at it intensely, it perfectly meets the customer's requirements.
Small Body Big Crisis is a comedy film, making it perfect for when you need to select one of that genre as you open Random Play, earning you more Denny.
After recommending the film, talking to the housewife will confirm your success. After renting out Small Body Big Crisis, she can be interacted with to say she hopes the movie can keep her kids „occupied for a while.“ As a reward, players will be given 12500 Denny for leaving a satisfied customer — adding to any that might be earned from ZZZ's latest codes to redeem.
The Small Body Big Crisis videotape will automatically be unlocked in once Random Play has reached Video Store Lv. 2. To do this, the campaign's Prologue chapter and corresponding story missions need to be cleared. As soon as Lv. 2