Since its start in 1986, series has enchanted players with its complex lore and immersive worlds. The franchise's storytelling skills and the mysterious nature of its universe have sparked many fan theories and in-depth investigations. However, despite all the speculation and exploration, some big mysteries within the lore remain unsolved. These persistent enigmas consistently capture the fascination of the community, challenging players with their resistance to conventional interpretations.
Ten of the most compelling and unresolved mysteries in series are explored below,focusing on cryptic symbols and unexplained events. These secrets have persisted as major talking points among fans and researchers alike. By systematically unraveling these long-standing riddles, the aim is to shed light on the elements of 's lore that still defy resolution.
The Legend of Zelda series sparks the creation of a lot of fan theories, so it’s not surprising that there are plenty of unsolved mysteries.
At the end of, which many players still hope will rerelease on Nintendo Switch, Hyrule is submerged beneath the ocean, leaving behind a sunken kingdom lost to the waves. This dramatic shift marks a significant moment in the series, representing the end of Hyrule's known history and the beginning of a new era. The game concludes with the kingdom's remnants hidden underwater, and while it is suggested that the land may eventually resurface, the specifics of its fate remain unresolved. The submerged Hyrule symbolizes loss and potential renewal, raising questions about what became of its people, their culture, and their artifacts.
and explore the connection to the submerged Hyrule by introducing new lands and civilizations. presents a new world in the form of the Great Sea, distinct from the sunken Hyrule, while introduces a new continent called New Hyrule. These games suggest a continuation of the timeline, with New Hyrule being founded as a fresh start after the previous game's events.