Magpie Games is a studio with quite the portfolio, consisting of highlights like Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game (based on the super popular Nickelodeon animated series) and Root: The Roleplaying Game, based on what I think is the cutest war game ever. And now, you can get those RPGs for hundreds less of dollars less than usual.
Like any of the best tabletop RPGs, Magpie Games’ TTRPGs have plenty of depth to explore, and so they benefit from you picking up additional content to expand their mechanics and story elements. While building up your RPG library can get pricey, this book bundle from Humble delivers an unbelievable three-figure discount that makes the process far more affordable.
Until April 20, you can pick up a collection of Magpie Games’ greatest hits for as little as $5. If you fancy going all out, pick up the full Best of Magpie Games bundle for $35 at Humble, containing 30 books to the value of $395. Not only will you receive the PDFs to add to your digital RPG library, you’ll also receive a physical copy of the Avatar Legends RPG starter set.
Best of Magpie Games | $395 <a href="*zvsfno*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRh1KJpPohiySKEixufYMGv2TiBoikocfIVCxsTrk1ZY8C_wUlTd3G5hoC5dwQAvD_BwE" data-link-merchant=""" target="_blank">$35 at Humble
Save $360 - This majorly discounted mega bundle consists of 30 rulebooks, sourcebooks, and supplemental content for 14 different tabletop RPG games. While it’s $35 for the full 30-item selection, you can pick up a 9-item bundle for as little as $5. This is easily the best offer you can get for all these RPG books, as nothing else comes close.
UK price: <a