Renowned computer scientist Yoshua Bengio, a pivotal figure in the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), has shared his reservations regarding the breakneck pace and inflated expectations surrounding AI. In an illuminating conversation, Bengio admitted that, had he foreseen the rapid evolution of AI, he would have placed a greater emphasis on safety over sheer functionality.
Bengio stressed the urgency of pushing forward, engaging in thoughtful discourse, and fostering a collaborative spirit. Recently, he joined forces with other influential figures in the industry to co-sign an open letter that sounds the alarm about potential risks tied to AI's rapid growth and proliferation without any apparent safeguards.
Reflecting on this in an interview with Al Jazeera, Bengio said. "One might say I feel adrift, but the imperative remains to persevere, to exchange ideas, and to rally others to join the intellectual endeavor." The remarks from the esteemed Canadian computer scientist come in the wake of his involvement in a thought-provoking open letter penned by industry leaders, underscoring the perceived "threat of extinction" to humanity posed by AI.
Bengio's present and pressing concern revolves around the misuse of AI by what he terms as "negative actors." These actors could range from military entities to terrorists, or even individuals driven by extreme anger or psychosis. He underscored the peril of AI systems being susceptible to manipulation for harmful purposes, whether orchestrated by military factions, terrorist groups, or individuals with nefarious intent. To counteract this, Bengio proposed a model of government regulation for AI development, akin to the oversight frameworks governing sectors like aviation,