@colonelkilgore Just looked at my trophies and it appears that it was the Heresy chapter. I watched the chapter on YouTube and you are correct the falling stalactites was the chapter, I'm not very good at platforming games and can get all fingers and thumbs under stress. Shame as I did like the game although I'm sure I didn't mean it at the time when I cursed the studio.
Not playing at the moment right now but still in the process playing these for my Playstation 3. havent played since December 2021 or January 2022
Assassins Creed Brotherhood. at the very end where I have to use smoke bombs to try to get away from a jazillion guards that are hunting me down
Dead Space
Star Wars Force Unleashed 1
Final Fantasy XIII
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. was doing little bit of the beginning of Symphonia 1 while at the same time was starting Symphonia 2 to get used to the new main character in the second Symphonia game
@XandertheWise I could never get used to the main character in the second game, so good luck with that!
Off topic, but that explains why this thread looked like it was mysteriously bumped a day or two ago. I'm guessing I'm blocked for some reason by @XandertheWise. Not sure what I ever did.
@KilloWertz Dunno whatever the fudge youre pissin and moaning about.
Duke Nukem Forever
@ManifoldCuriosity Oh no, you poor thing.
Edited on by Bentleyma
Later tonight or tomorrow Im planning on replaying story mode for Injustice Gods Among Us before i jump into Injustice 2 which i might get for my Playstation 4 or X Box One S next month
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