FX's The Old Man is a new thriller series based on the novel of the same name and features a cast of characters led by the legendary Jeff Bridges. Created for television by Jonathan E. Steinberg and Robert Levine, The Old Man is based on the novel by Thomas Perry about a former CIA operative named Dan Chase, who is living in hiding when he is suddenly thrust back into the spy game and on the run after an assassination attempt. It's the first role for Bridges after a battle with cancer and his first TV role in more than 50 years.
Joining Bridges is veteran actor John Lithgow, as well as actress Amy Brenneman, Alia Shawkat, E.J. Bonilla, and Gbenga Akinnagbe. Creators Levine and Steinberg are best known for their previous TV work on shows like Black Sails, See, and Human Target. The Old Man novel is a standalone book, rather than a recurring series for a central character, making the Hulu series likely to be a one-off adaptation, rather than a seasonal effort.
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Additional cast for The Old Man include actors playing younger versions of key characters, including Bill Heck, Noor Razooky, Pej Vahdat, Leem Lubany, and Christopher Redman. The globe-trotting suspense drama series consists of seven hour-long episodes, which will debut on FX and Hulu. Below is the cast and character guide for The Old Man.
Jeff Bridges plays the lead character Dan Chase in The Old Man, a former CIA operative who absconded from the agency and has been living in hiding ever since. An assassination attempt puts him on the run and makes him face the past he's been trying to escape. Bridges is one of the most-respected actors in Hollywood, having worked in the industry for
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